Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Protector

I’m your rock in the tempest, the furious storm
In the thrashing icy waters I’ll keep you anchored and warm
Lost in the desert I give water and way
I will carry you to shelter keeping bared teeth at bay
Hailstones nor sleet will get in our way
I’ll brave the stings and have the last say
I’m your ardent guardian with my sheath and blade
Fiercely your hero, standing and staid
When swirling in eddies pulling you down
My hand will grasp you….you’ll never drown
Allowing no harm to your stunning soul
Filling your life furnace with nourishing coal
I became your Protector when our gaze began
Never failing…I’m your Man


  1. Love has certainly inspired you. This is a beautifully written 'romantic' poem. Thank you for sharing Steve.

  2. Steve, I'm happy to see that you're moving forward. It's one step at a time...One day at a time. Do we ever 'arrive'?... I believe it's a journey to the end. But I have learned this... that we can enjoy the journey (with all it's twists and turns) as we travel through this life. It's "choice, attitude and perceptions that create happiness within". My wish for you is to: 'Love yourself, forgive yourself...."Love Your Life", Believe and have faith in something. Relax, breathe, let go, and just live in the moment. When the storms come (and they will) learn to dance in the rain. Embrace each day with an "attitude of gratitude."' And finally...
    "Don't worry...Be Happy" (as Bob Marley would say ;-)
    I love you Steve,
    Your Friend Janice
