Thursday, January 12, 2012

Notes from South Carolina

I flew in Monday for my new job with a nervous and unsettling feeling.  I would say that is normal in many life situations.  Some people feel that way just walking into their own bathrooms.  I can relate.  The first person I met when I got to the job site was a guy named Nate.  A big young guy who was personable and polite.  I liked him from the start…the main reason is because he looks a lot like my brother James.  In fact, I told him that and he replied, “That’s my actual first name”.  I then asked him why he was such a douche, but then realized that he wasn't really my brother (I hope you read this James Myers) and I apologized.  ;-)

We then rode to a Clemson University office not too far away so I could in-process.  The southern twangs were everywhere and everyone was so nice.  I felt the acceptance from the start. 

One of the ladies who gave me a very informal briefing told me something I did not know.  You see, I pronounced the word “Clemson” like “Clemzon” and she heard that.  She said to me, “The word has a silent ‘P’ like Clempson…you know….like the word “know” has a silent “k”…there is no “z’ in Clemson”..  And that’s how you pronounce it.  I was a little taken aback but I figured why not…when in Rome!  (or is it Rhome?).

The next day we drove to Columbia (the state capital) to meet with the DHHS (too lazy to type that out).  The people there were gracious and kind.  I could feel the energy.  It was raining, but I felt the sun on my shoulders. 

We had two days where I was able to assess the situation and make suggestions on how to improve the situation.  The DHHS (yes that acronym again) were trying to slam in a solution and I could see that it wasn’t going to work.  Having experience in anything is helpful….using that experience to help is what makes it valuable.  A good rule of thumb is “Don’t slam things into place…unless you plan to marry….uh, never mind”. 

They are looking to me to lead this initiative.  I cannot express how much that means to me in contrast with my last project. 

And that brings me to today.  I have to say that this is probably the best first week of employment I have ever experienced.  The main reason is that I can use the knowledge and experience I have garnered through the years to help not just a small business, not just a medium sized business, but an entire state agency. 

It feels nice to have sunshine bounce off my face on a cloudy day. 



1 comment:

  1. I smiled through this entire reading. I am so happy about your first week and excited for the weeks to come!!! Your energy was contagious...I caught it! Thanks Steve
